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EAD Property Project

Help us sow the seeds of hope and healing as we rebuild better than ever!

2025 -
A Year for Growth

2024 saw tangible changes on the farm, including everything from horse safety to improved grounds for programs. In 2025, we will continue to expand on that improvement, including a new community room!

Grow with us!



2024 - The Comeback Year

In 2021, a devestating fire destroyed EAD's stables, community room, storage barn, and irreplaceable memorabilia. No physical injuries were sustained as we stood by with family, friends, and our beloved herd and watched the flames engulf our identity. Without our amazing community, it would have been almost impossible to see the life through the flames.

And even though we still grieve what was lost, we see the beauty in what we have gained. Fire is devastating, but it is also cleansing. We knew that if the door was shut, we had to find an open window.

It is through the support of the community that we have thrown open the window and let in the light and the Property Project is in full swing! The indoor arena has been upgraded and renovated to a full-time horse barn and Community Room.


The next phases will include upgrades to the pasture for horse and volunteer safety, a round pen, and outdoor arena. 

EAD is priviledged to have helped thousands of people in the community and we look forward to serving thousands more. Your support will enable us to do so!


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One Life Changed Can Change a Community!
© 2022 by Equine Assisted Development (EAD).

Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization

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