Heroes Horses Hope
Veteran Program
The Heroes Horses Hope Veteran Program was founded in 2020 at Equine Assisted Development through the help of Adam and Jill Small of A Veteran Helping Veteran, Inc.
The purpose of the 8 week program is to assist veterans through horse therapy, help end the stigma surrounding mental health and raise awareness for veteran suicide in our community.
Each week, veterans will be provided curriculum featuring EAD's 8 core values:
​Hope • Honesty • Respect • Integrity • Optimism • Perseverance • Dignity • Endurance
How Horse Therapy can Help Veterans - Military.com
The Therapeutic Value of Horses - PsychologyToday.com
Using Equine Therapy as Mental Health Treatment - VeryWellMind.com
This 8 week, one-on-one program offers 8 scholarships per year (one veteran per month, April - November). The cost to attend the program outside of the scholarship opportunity is $800 and can be scheduled from April - November of the calendar year. Veterans from the Air Force, Army, Cost Guard, Marine Corps, Navy and Special Ops Forces are welcome to apply for scholarship or pay out of pocket to attend. The equine therapy program is designed those for who are struggling to re-integrate to civilian life, diagnosed with PTSD or mental health disorder, disability and/or traumatic brain injury. Veterans will use the Equine Assisted Psychotherapy EAGALA Model with the help of a certified horse specialist and licensed mental health provider throughout the duration of the program.
To apply for a scholarship or reserve your 8 week program, please call: 616-318-4919
2020 program scholarships are made generously possible by the following sponsors:
Wounded Warrior Project
Mission BBQ
Ronin Factory
Team Rubicon